Working On Some Other Stuff.

Hi guys… Sorry if you were A Guard’s Dream. Didn’t seem like people were enjoying it, so I stopped after I got bored with it.

I have been working on some other stories, trying to create one that is, well, ‘Good’. Something engaging with characters that have depth. The outline I am working on at the moment I really like. I am hoping to get at least general direction out of it before I write.

Parts of it felt forced at the moment, but when I look over other things that have been popular with people, forcing a direction doesn’t seem to make people not like it. Maybe it’s just I see it and a reader may not even notice it.

I like to think up as I write why things work this way and what else I could do instead of taking that route. That puts stress on me when I see oh instead of doing x, he could have done y and not had to do this entire arc. Maybe the reader won’t notice though, I hope.

Thanks for reading my stories and I hope you enjoy them. If you would like more of ‘A Guard’s Dream’ let me know!
